Seattle WA Homes for Sale

Home Buying 3 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Seattle Home If you are thinking about purchasing a home right now, you are surely getting a lot of advice. Though your friends and family have your best interests at heart, they may not be fully aware of your needs and what is currently happening in real estate. Let’s look at whether or not now is actually […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Free Seattle Distress Sales/Bank Foreclosures Hotlist Distress Sales resulting from bank foreclosures often represent a great way to get a fantastic deal on a home. It's not easy for the average home buyer to find these deals, because you have to keep searching to see when one comes up. If you're the type of person who recognizes what a great deal […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale New York Times: Homeownership is Best Way To Build Wealth The New York Times recently published an editorial entitled, “Homeownership and Wealth Creation.” The housing market has made a strong recovery, not only in sales and prices, but also in the confidence of consumers and experts as an investment. The article explains: “Homeownership long has been central to Americans’ ability to amass wealth; even with […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Only The Coolest People Have Modern Wine Cellars Hidden In their Kitchen Floors! At first glance, you might be thinking “bomb shelter”… but it’s really more like the bomb. We're not exactly sure how this would affect resale value, but it certainly coudn't be a negative. It’s one of the slickest upgrades we've seen in a home in a long while. And we're jealous! Read entire article HERE. […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Will Higher Interest Rates Kill HOME SALES? The Mortgage Bankers Association, the National Association of Realtors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are each projecting mortgage interest rates to increase substantially over the next twelve months. What will that mean to the housing market in 2015? Last week, we posted a graph showing that home prices appreciated each of the last four times […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Beat out other buyers to Hot New Listings in Seattle! Our Exclusive Buyer Profile System saves you Time and Money. Simply tell us what you're looking for and get priority access to ALL homes that match your criteria, including Bank Foreclosures, Company Owned Properties and other Distress Sales. No more wasted time looking at out-dated information in newspapers or searching the Internet. Priority access means […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Rent Increases Expected to Continue through 2015 CNBC’s Diana Olick recently reported that rents in the residential housing sector continued to rise in 2014. She interviewed Jed Kolko, Chief Economist at Trulia, who revealed: "Rents are rising because of strong demand that supply hasn't kept up with. Nearly all the new households are renters, and young people moving out of their parents' […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Tis the Season for Shopping… And For Stolen Gifts We are in the peak holiday shopping season. We would like to provide all of our family and  friends with a few reminders about how to be safe and to prevent your gifts and other purchases from being stolen. Shopping during the holiday season can present unique dangers, but following a few prevention measures can […]
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Seattle WA Homes for Sale Thinking About Selling Next Year? If you are thinking about selling your home this Spring, watch this video. Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner SEATTLE-NORTHWEST Windermere Real Estate 206-769-9577
Seattle WA Homes for Sale The Real Estate Market Has Turned The Corner As we finish 2014, it appears the real estate market is once again on solid footing and ready to advance forward over the next few years. The strength of the market can be viewed using two metrics: projected home values and projected house sales. We recently reported that the Home Price Expectation Survey revealed future […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Sales Up in Almost Every Price Range The National Association of Realtors’ most recent Existing Home Sales Report revealed that home sales were up rather dramatically over last year in five of the six price ranges they measure. Only those homes priced under $100,000 showed a decline (-6%). Every other category showed a minimum increase of at least 9.7%. Here is the […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Top 5 Benefits of Using a Professional to Buy a Home Every year the National Association of REALTORS releases their Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers, in which they reveal the results of a yearlong survey of buyers and sellers. The latest profile revealed what actual buyers saw as the benefits of using an agent during the home buying process. Here are the Top 5: #1: […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Proof that NOW is a Good Time to Sell Most homeowners believe that the winter is not a good time to sell. This belief is based on the fact that historically the number of buyers decreases in the winter and then increases dramatically during the spring buying market. Though this is still true, there is an interesting pattern developing over the last few months. […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale The Importance of Using Professionals Like Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner When Selling Your Home When a homeowner decides to sell their house, they obviously want the best possible price with the least amount of hassles. However, for the vast majority of sellers, the most important result is to actually get the home sold. In order to accomplish all three goals, a seller should realize the importance of using a real […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Fear of Low Down Payments Mostly Unwarranted After it was announced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would again make available mortgage loans requiring as little as a 3% down payment, many people showed concern. Were we going back to the lower qualifying standards of a decade ago that caused the housing market crash? Won’t lower down payments dramatically increase the default […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Inspections: Expect Negatives Even in a Sound Home by Tom Kelly, My Northwest Remember when the building inspector's report used to tell the buyer and seller the condition of the house and, if any major repairs or structural corrections were needed, the two parties would adjust the sales price? Now more than ever, potential buyers are using minor flags in the inspector's report […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale 4 Reasons to Buy Before Winter It's that time of year, the seasons are changing and with them bring thoughts of the upcoming holidays, family get togethers, and planning for a new year. Those who are on the fence about whether now is the right time to buy don't have to look much farther to find four great reasons to consider […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale The psychology behind hoarding, and the Seattle WA company who’ll help you clean up your act! By Rachele Belle, It's been five years since Sara allowed anyone to enter her Seattle home, until today. Sara isn't her real name, she wanted to remain anonymous, since no one, except the daughter she lives with, knows that she's a hoarder. Her rental house is wall-to-wall, ceiling-to-floor packed with trash and belongings. There's […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t For Sale by Owner Some homeowners may consider trying to sell their home on without the assistance of a real estate professional, known in the industry as a For Sale by Owner (FSBO). We think there are several reasons this might not be a good idea for the vast majority of sellers. Here are five of our reasons 1. […]
Seattle WA Homes for Sale Having A Home Security System Helps Lower Homeowner’s Premiums Homeowners Insurance  Prior to finding you the best quote for home insurance, we always ask about smoke detectors and security systems in your home. Many insurance companies offer discounts for those homeowners who have security systems. Here are few of the different kinds of security systems that can help reduce your home insurance costs.   […]