Home Buying

Home Buying Competing in Multiple Offers? Look at Your Bottom Line! Did you know that 44 percent of home sales involve multiple offers? In fact, buyers working with a Windermere Real Estate broker are 18.4 percent more likely to win the sale in a multiple offer situation.
Home Buying New FICO Scoring for the Scoreless If you’re in the market for a home, you’re probably in the market for a mortgage. With the exception of all-cash buyers, most buyers will find out soon what their FICO score is and what banks think about it. The FICO score has a huge impact on whether or not lenders consider you an acceptable […]
Home Buying Saturday Open House Check out all homes open today right HERE! Tired of losing out in multiple offers? Put us to work for you by using our powerful neighborhood knowledge and negotiating skills and get the Seattle WA home you deserve. Call, text or email us today!     Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner SEATTLE-NORTHWEST Windermere Real Estate […]
Home Buying Seattle WA Home Buyers – Don’t Let Your “Luck” Run Out The 30-year fixed mortgage interest rate is currently still below 4%. Many buyers may be on the fence as to whether to act now and purchase a new home, or wait until next year, believing they still have time to lock in a low rate. If you look at what the experts are predicting over […]
Home Buying Location, Location, Location!   A recent Demand Institute report revealed “nearly half of all American households plan to move at some point in the future.” Seventy-five percent of those surveyed in the report cited one or more ‘location-related reasons’ for their eagerness to move. Here are the top 5 reasons: Safer Neighborhood – 30% Closer to Family – […]
Home Buying Homeownership Rates: Are they Crashing? The Census recently released their 2014 Homeownership Statistics, and many began to worry that Americans have taken a step back from the notion of homeownership. Easy… Chicken Little The national homeownership rate peaked in 2004, representing a 69.2% of Americans who bought vs. rented their primary residence. Many have noticed a decline in rate since […]
Home Buying Seattle WA Real Estate Law: Revocation of Counteroffer The market is heating up and so are the speed of transactions, offers and counteroffers. Both buyers, sellers and their brokers will benefit from this video featuring Annie Fitzsimmons, the Washington REALTOR Legal Hotline Lawyer. For all of your real estate related questions, give us a call, text or email. 206-769-9577, stevehill@windermere.com
Home Buying Seattle WA Real Estate Market Report Seattle continues to be a hot real estate market. Seller's can usually plan on top dollar and a quick sale of their home. Buyer's on the other hand have become weary and tires of being out bid on multiple offers. There is likely no end in sight for the time-being, as Seattle continues to grow […]
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Home Buying Attaining the American Dream: 5 Financial Reasons to Buy Heading into 2015 many people have their sights set on buying a home. The personal reasons differ for each buyer, with many basic similarities. Eric Belsky, the Managing Director of the Joint Center of Housing Studies at Harvard University expanded on the top 5 financial benefits of homeownership his paper – The Dream Lives On: […]
Home Buying Don’t Wait! Move Up To The House You Always Wanted Now that the housing market has stabilized, more and more homeowners are considering moving up to the home they have always dreamed of. In most areas, prices are still below those of a few years ago. Also, interest rates are still near 4%. However, sellers should realize that waiting to make the move while mortgage rates are […]
Home Buying 3 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Seattle Home If you are thinking about purchasing a home right now, you are surely getting a lot of advice. Though your friends and family have your best interests at heart, they may not be fully aware of your needs and what is currently happening in real estate. Let’s look at whether or not now is actually […]
Home Buying Did It Make Sense to Wait? There are many people out there who debated purchasing a home over the course of the last year, but ultimately did not. Whatever their reasons were for delaying, let’s look at whether the decision to wait to buy made sense. What happened in 2014? The 30 year fixed rate on January 2, 2014 was 4.53% […]
Home Buying Harvard: 5 Financial Reasons to Buy a Home Eric Belsky is Managing Director of the Joint Center of Housing Studies at Harvard University. He also currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Housing Research and Housing Policy Debate. This year he released a new paper on homeownership – The Dream Lives On: the Future of Homeownership in America. In his […]
Home Buying 5 Reasons to Buy A Home Now Instead of Spring Based on prices, mortgage rates and soaring rents, there may have never been a better time in real estate history to purchase a home than right now. Here are five major reasons purchasers should consider buying: Supply Is Shrinking With inventory declining in many regions, finding a home of your dreams may become more difficult […]
Home Buying Home Buying for Unmarried Couples by guest blogger Mark Sheets Throughout the home buying process there can be various hurdles to jump over to make sure everything goes smoothly.  In today’s culture, we are finding more often unmarried couples are purchasing their first homes together.  Although this sounds like a great plan, there are precautions that need to be taken […]
Home Buying 3 Big Myths of Home Buying We are here to save you pain, buyers. There are myths about the home shopping experience that must be addressed. We'd like to make the home buying experience as stress-free as possible, so please hear us out on these three big myths about home buying: Myth #1: “That house has been on the market so […]
Home Buying 4 Things All Buyers Should Keep in Mind No matter how you slice it, buying real estate is a complicated process that takes time and hard work to get right.  Whether you’re looking for your dream home or an investment property to help build your retirement nest egg, here are a few things to keep in mind. Mortgage interest rates are still low […]
Home Buying Buying a House? 3 Reasons to Do it Now! Here are three great reasons to consider buying a home today instead of waiting. 1.) Prices Will Continue to Rise Standard & Poors recently upgraded their 2013 forecast for the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index to an 11% year-over-year increase from their original 8% projection. The Home Price Expectation Survey, which polls a distinguished panel of over 100 […]
Home Buying 3 Financial Reasons to Buy a Home NOW! The price of a home is the major consideration when deciding whether or not it makes financial sense to purchase a house. Experts are not only projecting that house values will increase in 2013. They are also more optimistic in the level of appreciation they are projecting as the market begins to heat up. Here […]